Monetary Research Center

Economic history & History of Economic Thought

by NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and BRASS Peter and KERR Gordon and KERR Gordon and ACKOVSKA Tatjana and GODUMOV Alexander and KAZANDZHIEVA-YORDANOVA Irina and NAKOVA Rositsa and BUJARIH Semrah and TODOROVA Violeta and TAHCHIEVA Avi | Tuesday, July 2, 2024
The ninth annual scientific conference of the Monetary and Economic Research Center (MRC) was held from the 18th to the 20th of September 2023 at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria.

 ISBN: 978-619-90797-9-9     

by NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and NENOVSKY Nikolay and MITEVA Diyana and MITEVA Diyana and MITEVA Diyana and MITEVA Diyana and MITEVA Diyana and MARINOVA Tsvetelina and MARINOVA Tsvetelina and MARINOVA Tsvetelina and MILEV Jeko and MILEV Jeko and MILEV Jeko and MILEV Jeko and MANCHEVA Galia and MANCHEVA Galia and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and MIHAYLOVA BORISOVA Gergana and BOITAN Iustina and KERR Gordon and KERR Gordon and MOULAYDRISS Saikak and MOULAYDRISS Saikak and HRISTOZOV Yanko and HRISTOZOV Yanko and HRISTOZOV Yanko and HRISTOZOV Yanko and ZHELEV Paskal and NIKODYM Tomas and TCHIPEV Plamen and TCHIPEV Plamen and TCHIPEV Plamen and SIMEONOVA Elena and SIMEONOVA Elena and DAMYANOV Dimitar and VELICHKOV Nikolay and TASEVA Galya and TASEVA Galya and AMAN Moustapha and Velinova-Sokolova Nadya and Velinova-Sokolova Nadya and TKACHEV Vasily and PETKOVA Desislava and PAPACHASHVILI Nino and ASSENOVA Kamelia and MIKABERIDZE Tamta and TAVARTKILADZE Marine and HOUBENOVA Tatiana | Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The eighth annual scientific conference of the Monetary and Economic Research Center (MRC) was held from 20th to 21st of September 2022 at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria. 
All papers of this book have been gone through a blind review and corrected where necessary. 
The book with papers is financed through university project НИД НП 10/2022 at the University of National and World Economy. The Union of Bulgarian Economists as well as Institute of Economics and Politics at UNWE, Sofia University and LEFMI France and are co-organizers of the conference.
Main accent on the 8th Annual Conference was the economic challenges in the context of pandemic and war circumstances. Researchers and professionals from more than 10 countries took part.  
The present book consists papers in English language. 

 ISBN: 978-619-90797-7-5     

by NIKODYM Tomas and SIMA Josef | Saturday, March 4, 2023
The paper deals with economic thought of almost forgotten Christian conservatives after the World War Two. Despite the all-embracing socialist ideas, these people were proposing non-socialistic post-war order based on private property, free enterprise and competition. Their proposals were in the sharp contrast to the leading idea of “socializing” or “economic” democracy and comprehensive economic planning. Their economic thought had elements of both classical liberalism and ordoliberalism. Despite their relatively good public recognition, political development of post-war Czechoslovakia did not allow them to change public opinion. One way or another, the proper interpretation of their work is still missing in the history of economic thought textbooks so we attempt to provide at least the overview of their ideas and thus also provide the basis for future research agenda.
by TCHIPEV Plamen and TCHIPEV Plamen | Saturday, March 4, 2023
The paper aims to identify several major approaches used by various important schools toward the concept of ownership. And to find how they differ from each other and what benefits (and shortcomings) offer those differences to the analysis of the ownership/property. These comparisons are in order to launch an alternative approach toward the concept. The point is not to “improve” or to criticize, but to attempt to look on the category from an “outside” viewpoint.
WP 22/2021 Soft Monetary Constraint and Shortage in the European Sovereign Debt Economy. Insights from J. Kornai’s theory - Updated version
From the fourth quarter of 2007 to the second quarter of 2020, the monetary base in the euro area grew by 330%, the money supply by 61% and inflation measured by the consumer price index - only 17%. Interest rates are around zero and negative, inflation is low, and we often register deflation. This discrepancy between the growth of money and prices has not only practical dimensions for the ECB and FED monetary policy, but also a theoretical significance. In this contribution, we propose an interpretation of these trends on the basis of concepts developed by J. Kornai in his economics of shortage analysis, which we apply to the sovereign debt market of European countries. The point here is not to transpose Kornai's shortage economy analysis to European capitalist economies, but to show that similar phenomena are appearing today in a different institutional context. 
WP 23/2021 Balkan Monetary Dependence during the XIX and XX centuries
In this article, we look at the main stages of the monetary systems on the Balkans, representing a cyclical alternation of dependent models, each of them effectively serving the relationship of the Balkan peripheral economies with their dominant military, geopolitical and economic centre. This centre of attraction is the anchor against which the monetary regime of the periphery is adjusted. We consider four periods: (i) the building of a national monetary system after long years of Ottoman domination, and especially the accession to the Latin Monetary Union, (ii) the adoption of the rules of the League of Nations and monetary stabilizations based on the gold exchange standard, (iii) the inclusion in the German Lebensraum and the system of currency control and clearings, and finally (iv) the Soviet zone and the COMECON, the mechanism of passive money and the transferable ruble. In the last period we present the Yugoslav monetary regime, which was attached to the West.

The fifth annual scientific conference of the Monetary and Economic Research Center (MRC) was held from 17th to 18th of October 2019 at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The main accent on the 5th Annual Conference was the future of Europe's monetary and economic development after the EU elections. Researchers and professionals from more than 7 countries took part.

           ISBN: 978-619-90797-6-8 
Evaluation of members’ satisfaction in modern Bulgarian agricultural cooperatives
by KOSTENAROV Krasimir and SAROV Angel and BOEVSKY Ivan | Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Decades after the establishment of the first modern agricultural cooperative in Bulgaria, we observe a continuous increase in its number, then we see a decline until nowadays. We have identified three historical periods for this development: pre- socialism, socialism and post-socialism. In periods, when the members’ satisfaction is higher, we notice an increase of the cooperatives’ number and vice versa. In each period the relation between members’ satisfaction, cooperative values and principles, on the one hand, and existing and operating governance structures, on the other hand, differs seriously. This paper is concentrated on reasons for this development and tries to evaluate the influence and application of the governance structure and cooperative values and principles on members’ satisfaction. In our research we argue that the members’ satisfaction is higher when the governance structure of the cooperative fits with the cooperative values and principles.
Empirical analysis of the relationship between the exchange rate and the inflation rate with the VAR model case of Vietnam (1995-2016)
by NGUYEN Duy Quang | Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The analyses in Chapter 2 lead us to a question on the relationship between foreign exchange reserves and the monetary base. Changes in the foreign exchange reserve will affect changes in exchange rates. We can use the foreign exchange reserve as a tool to modify and anticipate the exchange rate in the economy. Moreover, inflation has a strict relationship with the quantity of currency and Vietnam's monetary source depends in particular on changes in external assets. In the case of Vietnam, after the periods of hyperinflation (1954-1975; 1973-1975; 1985-1989) , the value of the Vietnamese currency was significantly devalued. In this case, based on the analyses of post-Keynesian authors, we can see that the reason for the substitution of the national currency for the foreign currency in this context can be explained by the preference for liquidity, which is a preference for holding highly liquid assets with stable values (Charles and Marie, 2016). If the value of the domestic currency is not stable due to high inflation or depreciation, foreign currencies can better satisfy the liquidity preference. Subsequently, the use of the dollar (or another foreign currency) as a unit of account is observed, followed by an increased tendency to make payments in foreign currency. In addition, the volatility of the inflation rate and the exchange rate has strongly influenced the objectives of balance of payments stabilization and economic growth .

The fourth annual scientific conference of the Monetary and Economic Research Center (MRC) was held from 11th to 12th of October 2018 at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Main accent on the 4th Annual Conference was the place and importance of the Balkan countries in the European Union. Researchers and professionals from more than 7 countries took part.

The present book consists papers in English and Bulgarian languages.

           ISBN 978-619-90797-5-1                    

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