Monetary Research Center

Institution: University of National and World Economy, Sofia
Fields Of Research Interest: Political science, Political risk, Public Finance, International finance, Capital markets
Short Resume: Galia Mancheva is a PhD in Political Science and a MS in Public Finance. She has a specialization in International Economical Relations. She received her PhD for the work on the effect of political risk on FOREX market. Galia Mancheva is an expert in international banking standards implementation (Basel and IFRS 9).

1. Mancheva, Galia. Globalization, Political risk, Investment funds. Or how globalization is limited by political risk. In: The Economy of Bulgaria and Europian Union  ̶  Contemporary Challenges and Solution Approaches, UNWE, 2014, p. 566-574, ISBN: 978-954-8590-29-7.

2. Mancheva, Galia. Republic of Albania credit rating and public finance management strategy in the context of EU integration. In: Тhe economy of Bulgaria and the European union: competitiveness and innovations, UNWE, 2015, p. 889-894, ISBN: 978-954-8590-35-8.

3. Манчева, Галя. Политическите решения на прага на XXI век. Състояние, тенденции и перспективи. В: Политологията пред глобалните и националните предизвикателства в началото на XXI век. София, ИК-УНСС, 2015, с. 334-340, ISBN: 978-954-644-874-7.

4. Mancheva, Galia. Monetary policy in Albania 2006-2015 // Economic alternatives, 2016, N 4, p. 461-474, ISSN (print): 1312-7462.

5. Манчева, Галя. Съдбата на българите в Република Албания след Руско-турската освободителна война. В: България: 140 години модерна българска държавност, София (article in press).

6. Mancheva, Galia. Correlation globalization-political risk-education. Or how political risk limits globalization in terms of education. In: The economy of Bulgaria and the European Union in the digital world, Sofia (article in press).

7. Mancheva, Galia, Elena Simeonova. The Western Balkans assessment via indirect indicators of market impact of political risk. In: Monetary regimes: 20 years of currency board in Bulgaria, Sofia (article in press).

8. Simeonova, Elena, Galia Mancheva, Global and Local Political Risks Interplay: the tricky implications of Turkey’s case. In: The new realities in the European Union and the place of the Balkan countries, Sofia (article in press).

9. Mancheva, Galia, Elena Simeonova. PES(I) Analysis of Western Balkans in the Context of the EU Acceleration Process. In: The Balkans and Europe between integration and particularism: challenges and prospects (article in press).


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