Monetary Research Center

Institution: University of National and World Economy
Fields Of Research Interest: Monetary Economics, Bank efficiency, Monetary regimes, International finance
Short Resume: Gergana Mihaylova-Borisova is an Assoc. Prof. at the University of National and World Economy, Finance Department. From 2013 to present she is a Sector Analysis Specialist in EMIS, a part of the Euromoney Institutional Investor Company. In the period between 2008 - May 2012 she was Vice President of the National Statistical Institute.

Mihaylova, G. (2015). "Bank Efficiency and the Economic Growth in Bulgaria“, Publishing house of the University of National and World Economy.

Mihaylova, G. (2014). Bank Efficiency in Bulgaria in the period 2007-2013: Application of the Stochastic Froentier Approach, Svishtov, D. Tscenov Academy, online journal Dialog, №4. link

Mihaylova, G. (2014). Money, Banking and Monetary Policy. Publishing house of the University of National and World Economy.

Mihaylova, G. (2014). Bank Efficiency in Bulgaria, International Financial Crisis and Eurozone Debt Crisis. Economic and Social Alternatives, Vol. 4. link

Mihaylova, G. (2014). Impact of the international financial crisis on the total factor productivity of the Bulgarianbanks, Conference of the “University of Ruse Angel Kanchev”. link

Mihaylova, G., Nenovsky, N., Ivanov, M. (2009). The Evolution of Bulgarian Banks’ Efficiency During the Twenties: A Dea Approach, Bank of Greece Working Papers, 82, Co-authors: N. Nenovsky, M. Ivanov. link

Mihaylova, G. (2007). Modeling of the behavior of households in acquiring financial assets and liabilities. Svishtov, D. Tscenov Academy, online journal Dialog, №1. link

Mihaylova, G. (2004). Compilation and analysis of the Financial Account for the Bulgarian Economy. System of National Accounts. Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting. link

Mihaylova, G. (2008). How the bank efficiency changes: the case of Bulgaria, (Co-authors Nenovsky, Chobanov, Koleva), Megatrend Review, The international review of applied economics, Vol 5 (1). link

Mihaylova, G. Dynamics of the financial wealth of the institutional sectors in Bulgaria: Empirical studies of the post-communist period, (в съавторство), William Davidson Institute Discussion Paper, No. 864. link

Mihaylova, G., Nenovsky, N., Chobanov, Koleva (2007). Howthe Bank Efficiency  Changes: the Case of Bulgaria,   (Co-authors Nenovsky, Chobanov, Koleva),VIII International academic conferenceModernization of Economy and Public Development”, Moscow, Russia, April 3-5. link

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