Monetary Research Center

Institution: CRIISEA, University of Amiens, France
Fields Of Research Interest: Monetary Economics, International Economics, History of Economic Thought
Short Resume: Nikolay Nenovsky is professor at the University of Picardie, Amiens. Previously he was professor at the University of Orleans, University of World and National Economy in Sofia, and served as a member of Bulgarian Central Bank Governing Council. He is author of books on money (in Bulgarian) and articles in reputable international journals. He is a founder of South-East European Monetary History Network.
Nenovsky, N., Tochkov, K. (2014) Transition, Integration, and Catching Up: Income Convergence between Central and Eastern Europe and the EU, Mondes en développement, 3(167): 73-92 Link

Nenovsky, N., K. Tochkov., C. Turcu (2013). Monetary Regime and EU Accession: Comparing Bulgaria and Romania, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 46 (1): 13-2 Link

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